Aldo Flores De Santiago
IT Professional: Automation & Development
- FloresDeSantiago
Digital Lenticular Camera
This project explores the development of a digital lenticular camera, inspired by vintage film cameras like the Nimslo 3D and Nishika N8000. These film cameras use lenticular lenses to capture a parallax effect known as a "wigglegram," which takes simultaneous images from slightly different angles. The digital camera aims to replicate this effect using a Raspberry Pi and four cameras. It captures four pictures at once, which can be manipulated with python code in post-production to create a lenticular image. The project leverages the Raspberry Pi's processing power and involves both hardware assembly and software development for the project to work. The final goal is to provide an accessible, efficient tool for creating parallaxed images which merges old photographic techniques with modern digital technology.